Alexandre Orion

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art

Ossario, by visual artist Alexandre Orion.




Skulls, one after another. From ocular cavities of so many dead, his work looks out on the living and interrogates people passing by; it quietly criticizes our omission, our comfortable acceptance of pollution, our “I didn’t know about that”

  • Nathan

    Interestingly, I even nedumala about it …

  • daniel

    i live in sao paulo, this guy is amazing, he was cleaning the dust and making the drawings at the same time.
    then came the police to arrest him but nobody can be put on jail for cleaning a tunnel, hahaha

  • ATBP
  • Tiz

    He really made some noise here in Sao Paulo. Some considered his work vandalism… While he was actually just cleaning the place.
    Amazing work. I really admire this guy.

  • sir jorge

    Wow, that’s art right there