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Written by Andrea on . Posted in stuff

Oh Shit Not You Again Doormat

“Oh no. It’s the neighbor again. The one who always comes over at the most inconvenient times and talks to you for hours on end about the “most thrilling fishing expedition the other week!” Then finally end the conversation by asking to borrow something (and you still haven’t seen that hammer they needed to use for “just a sec” back in 1996). Push social norms aside and show your true feeling with our Oh Shit! Not You Again!

Brush Footwear

Written by Andrea on . Posted in fashion, stuff

Brush Footwear - Grey

Brush is committed to providing the highest quality artwork through innovative designs in fashion. Each pair of shoes is hand painted and designed by artist and founder Benjamin Smith. He spends hours scrutinizing and refining the details of every shoe making each one a unique piece of art. Each design is limited to ensure exclusivity to patrons.”