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Skull Optical Illusions by István Orosz

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, illustration


István Orosz is a Hungarian painter, printmaker, graphic designer and animated film director. He is known for his mathematically inspired works, impossible objects, optical illusions, double-meaning images and anamorphoses. The geometric art of István Orosz, with forced perspectives and optical illusions, has been compared to works by M. C. Escher

(via Ian Brooks)

The Anatomically Correct Chair

Written by Andrea on . Posted in design, stuff

These pieces make reference to Memento Mori, a theme often depicted in art and Classical antiquity. They are luxuriously over stuffed offering a Bourgeois comfort, borrowing from the look of Victorian parlor furniture. They convey an air of humour and of the bizarre
The chairs are old pieces fully reconditioned and upholstered. As a process this allows me to embroider a new history into them and makes each one slightly different. The shape of the chair allows the print to flow into the chair structure, giving a figurative character and seeming to personify the piece. The images are sourced from old medical journals. They are adapted and then digitally printed.

By Sam Edkins, buy here.

(via In web we trust)

Biomimicry shoe

Written by Andrea on . Posted in fashion

Biomimicry shoe is a project by Marieka Ratsma in collaboration with Kostika Spaho

Nature could serve as a source of inspiration for a new way of designing. If we learn from its experience in the field of design, processes and lifestyles, we can develop intelligent systems, ingenious products and effective partnerships. Nature can also prove highly inspiring in the field of fashion. Above all, she can teach us to make more efficient use of materials and smarter constructions [ ]





(via Anatomy UK)