Money / War

Posters made only whit parts of banknotes catched from every side of the world. By Graziano Losa.
(via Ian Brooks)
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Posters made only whit parts of banknotes catched from every side of the world. By Graziano Losa.
(via Ian Brooks)
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Mold your pancakes or even you morning eggs in the shape of a pirate’s skull and crossbones!
Available at Perpetual Kid.
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Artist and designer, Úna Burke is based in London: “Through my work I continually aim to create leather objects which are both visually captivating and technically challenging. They are pieces of wearable art which are indefinable as particular garments, preventing them from being placed into the conventional categories of the fashion industry. They are free to exist just as the objects that they are, interpreted independently by each individual. [ … ]”
RE.TREAT “is a conceptual collection of wearable art pieces, depicting a series of eight human gestures associated with the cause, the physical and psychological effect and the healing stages of human trauma. Sculptural forms are created around the shape of the contorted female body. A number of pieces are reminiscent of prosthetics and medical braces. This signifies the potential for healing within the boundaries of something which inhibits the body.”
Some pieces are available for sale at SHOWstudio.
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Postler Ferguson is “a multidisciplinary design consultancy that explores issues of technology, culture and economics through design strategies based on thorough research”
Point & Shoot is an attachment for a gun which captures an image of the target and person firing the gun each time the trigger is pulled. This project constructs an objective history of violence, recording not only the more dire uses of a weapon but also the most banal [ … ]
The Death Machines Series bring the contradictory experience of weapons into the home; admirably designed and aesthetically fascinating and simultaneously terrifyingly in their lethality [ … ]
Born in Sydney Australia, Nanami Cowdroy has close bonds to her mixed Japanese-European heritage. Growing up with such contrasting cultures and surroundings has greatly influenced her style of art and the way she expresses her creativity. […]
The works of Nanami Cowdroy amaze the viewer by complex characters and highly detailed objects.
A chocolate tribute to Tim BURTON by Alexandre Dubosc.
This video was made for the contest ‘Concours d’animation Tim Burton’ on Dailymotion
(via Incredible Things)