An ordinary day with a skele-man

The every day life of a ‘Skele-Man’ immortalized by photographer Nick McKinlay. DIY geometric paper masks by Steve Wintercroft.
The every day life of a ‘Skele-Man’ immortalized by photographer Nick McKinlay. DIY geometric paper masks by Steve Wintercroft.
The Infinite Corpse is an online collaborative comic that is open to everyone in the world who makes or wants to make comics. We are particularly looking for outstanding efforts in humor, creativity, and draftsmanship.
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The safer option is to visit the Zombie Manor of Death using Google Maps Street View. The Zombie Manor is an 18th Century English country house that is now haunted by the living dead.
At weekends teams of zombie hunters pay good money to risk life and limb by taking on the zombies in the Zombie Manor.
Sometimes you die is the new intriguing iOS game by Philipp Stollenmayer.
You can buy it from App Store.
“Actually, depravity can be terribly boring if you don’t smoke or drink.”
Audrey Hepburn.
(Via The Perfect Pleasure)
iii was in a ffunk all ngith ntoa good place if i can i work throug it with drawing usuallly thats how the ashes comic came abotut. i havant done anything but draw this for six straight hours it helped me but the output is garbage hahahh ha. im ssso fucking cold im out of here.
Good days and bad days, according to Lauren.