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Written by Andrea on . Posted in design, stuff


Graphic design creation and edition studio set up in Paris in 2008, AK-LH is one of the most dynamic french brand skilled in interior decoration. Between graphic design, painting and urban art, its fresh and off-beat style shakes our senses and gives a new and colourful look to contemporary decorative arts.

In Sook Kim

Written by Andrea on . Posted in photography

Kim Insook - Room 100

In her series Saturday Night, Kim Insook realizes the fantasy of every voyeur: on a Saturday night, the 66 rooms of a hotel shamelessly unveil their large bay window, exposing the intimacy of their occupants: in every room, a scene is meticulously reconstituted and the residents are going about their business however not always in the most innocent matter: sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll… every human vice is exposed. Kim Insook defends her position as an observer by explaining that she doesn’t interpret nor does she criticizes, she watches. Her photographs with evocative titles offer a sarcastic description of the human condition.
(From Galerie Paris-Beijing)

Kim Insook’s website.