Author Archive

Absolute Bloody

Written by Andrea on . Posted in design, stuff


“Playing on the well-known Bloody Mary legend, my design of this multifaceted handheld mirror reflects my fascinations with dark, quirky, mysterious yet beautiful essences exuded by both Bloody Mary and Sophie Black.”
A limited edition collectible from a collaboration with Absolut Vodka, by Sokkuan. Don’t miss the blog.

Jodie Carey

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, installation


Jodie Carey about his work, In The Eyes of Others“Quite a lot of the time people say my work is about death, but it’s not just about death, it’s about life and how fragile human life is. That confronts you with your own mortality and it hopefully makes you think.”

Jessica Stoller

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, ceramic, sculpture


Figurative ceramic sculpture by Jessica Stoller.

From the artist’s statement: “I use this historic process to create intricate figurative ceramic sculptures that challenge and explore notions of idealized femininity. I cast, sculpt and create wayward and transgressive female figures. Incorporating period fashion, powerful historic women, and imaginative scenarios my works deals with notions of costume, sexuality and the subjugation of the female body. The notion of the decorative as weak and inherently female is subverted as the figures depicted are purposely innocent and sexual, self sacrificing and violent, powerful and unaware of the power they posses.”

Sushiborg Yukari

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, video


“In the tradition of Nyotai Mori, an age old Japanese practice of serving Sushi on naked women, Sushiborg Yukari is a cyborg designed to serve Sushi on her rotating belt, entertaining over-worked Japanese businessmen in their after-hours.

When Yukari’s programmed intelligence develops enough to understand her functionality as a sex object, she struggles to accept her role – slowly, Yukari attaches knives to her own body, modifying herself to become a lethal weapon, plotting to one day escape the Sushi restaurant she now feels captive with in…”

A project by Sputniko! (Hiromi Ozaki)