Let happiness be your guide

“When you don’t know, follow what makes you happy!“. This is the jolly claim of the brand new Honda Civic campaign, which is starred by a big smiling dog. In the video below, you’ll see him enjoying his ride in the back of his owner’s car, facing the wind and feeling great.
Riding in a car in a sunny day is always funny, and most dogs love it, but do you know what makes this dog feel really comfortable? The new Honda Civic interiors, which are designed to close and disappear completely, giving the dog all the space he needs. You can actually try the new seats, and fully understand how they work, by following the link to Honda Civic’s Youtube Channel. There you can also play an online game (if you have a microphone, be sure to turn it on), see the brand new car in every detail, listen to the engineers who made the car. And meet the dog, of course! In a funny, interactive experience (great use of Youtube, btw).
So, this is the lesson the engineers learned while working on the new car model: when you’re not sure about what you should do next, just relax and follow happiness. Besides, not knowing what to do is not a sign of weakness, it’s the door to innovation: “If we never venture into the unknown how do we get anywhere new?”
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