Author Archive

Zombie Temporary Tattoos

Written by Valentina on . Posted in stuff


“You have love for the pale-skinned undead, so why not share it with the world? Temporary tattoo book takes the classic anchors, hearts and horseshoes and gives ’em a brain-eating twist. Package comes with 30 tattoos (15 designs, 2 tattoos of each) in a handy 4″x6″ matchbook”

[via boingboing]

Maria Rubinke

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, ceramic, sculpture


“Danish-born Maria Rubinke‘s small porcelain figures are reminiscent of the illogical compositions of surrealism, transforming the character of what are traditionally charming and passive objects into expressions of more taboo feelings that oscillate between desire and sadism.”

[via lustik]