Author Archive

Francisco Reina

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, photography


Francisco Reina‘s photographic project “Strauss’ Legacy” (2009)…

“Strauss’ Legacy” is an approach toward the darkest side of human nature. It is a journey through the disastrous consequences that come about when people who, for the sake of political and economic interests and in the struggle for power, make decisions that have irreversible effects on other humans without the slightest concern for those who bear the brunt of their actions.”

Geoffrey Pugen

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, photography


“With theatrical absurdity, Pugen explores relationships between real and staged performance, the natural and the artificial, and tensions of virtual identity, through altering and manipulating images. Working with video, film, and photography in the digital realm Pugen renders situations that examine our perceptions of how history, documentation, and simulation intersect.”

[via ilikethisart]

The Rapture of Death

Written by Valentina on . Posted in Books, design


The Rapture of Death is a philosophical enquiry into the use of deathly imagery in contemporary art. It explores art and also literature, film and history to investigate why fear of death is an intrinsic part of life. This non fiction art book is a protracted, personal and an accessible essay into the meaning of mortal fear and its related symbols, myths, rhapsodies, warnings and curious obsessions.”

A book written by Prue Gibson and designed / printed by Boccalatte. On sale here.