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Dirty Night Clowns

Written by Valentina on . Posted in music, video


Amazing music video for Dirty Night Clowns by Chris Garneau, produced and directed Ryan Gibeau.

Dirty Night Clowns is a wonderful tale of curiosity, danger and pursuit. Although its never known what the path ahead has in store, Chris takes a journey driven by his nervous curiosity to find the nefarious character who roamed about his house while he slept. What seems scary and evil from a distance might end up as something unexpected as a cast of characters lures Chris in for a special ending.”

[via laughingsquid]

We Are Ze Presidents political t-shirtz

Written by Valentina on . Posted in fashion, stuff


“They respect nothing, have no values, except those in their stock portfolio
and are rewarded with mind-boggling bonuses, despite their deplorable actions.
They are the presidents. In three words, “They **** us.”

By purchasing one of these tshirts, you will also help support many non-profit organizations that every day try
to repair the consequences of Ze President’s actions.

[via lustik]