Author Archive

Aleksandra Mir

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Aleksandra Mir

Aleksandra Mir presents The Dream and the Promise, a series of collages that combine religious iconography with that of space travel. “If angels and astronauts share the same sky”, she asks, “Isn’t it time they were introduced?”


Written by Valentina on . Posted in art


Money, that’s what I want is the latest project by Shardcore:

“I started a campaign of subtly defacing currency about two years ago. Using a custom ink-stamp and UV ink, I have been tagging all the money that passes through my hands. To date, that’s now well into the thousands of pounds. The stamp itself is invisible, until illuminated under a blacklight – commonly used in this country to check for counterfeit notes.
This work is really about how we use these pieces of paper as markers of our passage through time. We spend to live, and live to spend. Each note we hand over gets us a little closer to death…”

Alexis Anne Mackenzie

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art


Beautiful collage works by Alexis Anne Mackenzie

“All of my collages are composed by hand – cut from books I’ve been collecting  for years, and painstakingly pieced together as seamlessly as possible. They create themselves through a process beginning with a loose concept, followed by a series of trials and errors, subtle maneuvers, selection/elimination, harmonious unions, and happy accidents. It is a meditative process, and there is a lot of decision-making behind each element involved.
My general intent, throughout all my work, is to portray the world as a flawed thing of beauty – a place that shines brightly, but has a dark side to match.”