Rainbow Narcosis
Rainbow Narcosis is an 3D animated short film by Jonathan Monaghan about a lamb whose is missing a head. There are otherworldly and odd things that go on where its head would be…
Rainbow Narcosis from Jonathan Monaghan on Vimeo.
Rainbow Narcosis is an 3D animated short film by Jonathan Monaghan about a lamb whose is missing a head. There are otherworldly and odd things that go on where its head would be…
Rainbow Narcosis from Jonathan Monaghan on Vimeo.
“For the creation of these works I cannibalized my clothes: I used fabrics and textures to conjure flesh, bone gristle and slabs of fat in life-size sculptures of livestock carcasses. My intention is to confront the viewers with the real and grotesque nature of violence, offering a context for reflecting about the vulnerability of our physical existences, brutality, poverty, consumption, and the voracious needs of the body.”
[via citizen brooklyn]
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Hoxton-based art collective Hubbawelcome have taken their off-the-wall brand of humour from street art to the shelves of Scribbler stores, with their limited run of “I love you so much” Valentine’s Day greeting cards.
The cards feature earnest looking young chaps, professing their love for one another in funny, unique and rather disturbing ways. Some of which include; making clothing from a loved one’s pubic hair and preserving farts in Tupperware containers.
The cards are available at Scribbler stores across the UK from February.
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