Author Archive
The Master’s Voice

A teaser for Guilherme Marcondes’s upcoming project entitled “The Master’s Voice”. It looks amazing.
[via magnolius]
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Russian Pizza Plate Roulette

“Who pays the pizza? who does the dishes? who buys the beer?
Leave it to faith, play The Plate Roulette.
Instructions: Place the pizza (cake etc…) on the plate hiding the gun barrel. Everybody gets a slice. If you are the one who gets the bullet, you lose… or win!
Players: from 2 to 6.”
On sale here.
[via laughingsquid]
The knife
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Do it right. Clean Suicide helmet

Clean Suicide helmet by Sebastian Errazuriz:
“DO IT RIGHT or Clean Suicide uses the helmets structural properties designed to contain the brain in case of a huge blow. In this case he inverted the concept; the helmet has a perforated side and a real gun permanently attached so that the suicidal person can put the helmet on, close the visor and shoot his brains out. Thanks to the “clean suicide” helmet, none of the friends or family have to clean the bits and pieces of brain from the walls afterwards. His peculiar sense of humor and reality is a weird mix that people have learned to appreciate and celebrate.”
[via inspiremenow]
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All My Friends Are Still Dead

Remember All My Friends Are Dead, the amazing illustrated book by Avery Monsen and Jory John? Here is the sequel.
And everyone’s still dead. All My Friends Are Still Dead.