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In Case Vase
In Case Vase, designed by Sara Ebert:
“The perforated ornamentation on the In Case Vase provides a secondary and potentially life-saving purpose. Were an intruder to attack, the vase can be smashed and turned against the aggressor. The pattern creates optimal shards to aid in your protection.”
[via likecool]
Bullet Bottle Opener
“Short of opening a bottle with your teeth, we can’t think of a more manly way to crack a cold one than with a demilitarized .50 caliber bullet casing…which is exactly what this is. Made in the good ole US of A out of military grade ammunition by Bullets2Bandages, this bottle opener is probably the only way most of us are ever going to handle a fist-sized .50 cal round, but we’re ok with that.”
On sale here.
[via likecool]
Sorry I’m Such An Asshole balloons
“Say it with balloons! Each package contains 12 professionally-printed, standard latex balloons. You get four each of red, yellow, and blue, so you can be really sorry all at once, or use them sparingly in times of extreme sarcasm.”
By Adam J. Kurtz.
[via lost at e minor]
Toy Shining
Illustrator Kyle Lambert created a series of clever mashup paintings of Toy Story and The Shining on his iPad: Toy Shining.
[via laughingsquid]
Fresh Guacamole
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