Carsten Witte

Skull portraits from Hamburg-based photographer Carsten Witte from his series Intuition…
[via colossal]
Skull portraits from Hamburg-based photographer Carsten Witte from his series Intuition…
[via colossal]
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“Two Heads are Better than One” is collaborative exhibition by Theo A. Rosenblum and Chelsea Seltzer currently on view at the Hole Gallery in New York City:
“From what the artists call “a vending machine of myth, magic and mystery” comes our exhibition, ranging from the intricately finished large sculptures back to the irreverent sketches where their ideas are born. The exhibition features all manner of hybrids, puns and below-the-belt punches: large sculptures like “Sandwitch” may have started out as a collaborative doodle on a homophone, but realized in sculpture they reveal many strange nuances and details the original concept or sketch lacked. “Snow Manimal” may have come about just from the oddly relatable spheres of upper horse and lower snowman, but fit together physically so well that the visual and conceptual rupture created is all the more stark.”
[via lustik]
Japanese artist Teppei Kaneuji’s makes some stunning assemblages of ready made objects.
[via beautiful decay]
Matryoshka Zombie Nesting Dolls: “This set nesting dolls has an undead twist: they’re all zombies! The biggest one is holding a recently severed foot, the second wields a chainsaw, the third is missing a hand, the fourth is a girl screaming bloody murder, the fifth is a propeller beanie wearing boy holding a severed arm, and the sixth is the baby with hands already covered in blood. They range from the baby at 30mm (a little over an inch) to the severed foot zombie at 114 mm (about 4.5″) in height. They’re really cute, but probably too gory for the wee geeks unless you raised ’em on horror flicks.”
This is the incredible video launch for Converse‘s newest program 3 Artists, 1 Song titled “DoYaThing” featuring Gorillaz, Andre 3000 and James Murphy.
[via laughingsquid]