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Zombie Bed Sheets

Zombie Bed Sheets, designed by Melissa Christie: “screen printed zombie arms with hand painted details, along with appliquéd hands on pillows.”
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Thom Browne’s 2012 Menswear Collection
Zombie Dash Board Game

“Zombie Dash is a light strategy game for fans of zombie apocalypse action. The board features a city street and your goal is to keep your Human token ahead of the Zombie token that’s hot on your heels. The deck features Human Run cards and Zombie Chase cards, which move the humans and zombies down the street. The winner is the last human standing or the first one to reach the safe zone. Great for parties, game nights, or any time you want to pretend you’re doing cardio.”
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Make your own speaker

Remember the huge sound music sculpture that sound artist Yuri Sukuzi made out of trash? Here is a little follow up: the instructions to make a speaker for your mobile audio device.
For printed instructions – download the PDF here.
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