Author Archive

Caitlin Bates

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, photography


Growth, Destruction, Rebirth I is a photo series by Caitlin Bates:

“My current bodies of work are reflections of interpersonal conflicts, ideals, and childish mentalities. They’re about viewing a world without blood and gore, leaving the meatiness of how our bodies work, function, feel, touch and see still vivdly in tact. Mentally and emotionally speaking, I haven’t grown up. Through my work I’m trying to work out the balance of these irrational thoughts and behaviors into the harsh reality of life.  “

[via streetanatomy]

Stefan Gross

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, sculpture

scifi landscape (12 of 14)

Disturbing plasticine artworks by Stefan Gross:

“‘The world is a serious place these days. This problem I address with my work’ – To do so, Stefan Gross engages with human prctical and spiritual necessity, empoying found objects, rescued toys and childhood memories: the furniture that surroundds us and traditions we hold dear, to recreate a familiar world in wondrous way.”

[via lost at e minor]

Maskull Lasserre

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, sculpture


Maskull Lasserre’s drawings and sculptures explore the unexpected potential of the everyday through allegories of value, expectation, and utility. Elements of nostalgia, accident, humor, and the macabre are incorporated into works that induce strangeness in the familiar, and provoke uncertainty in the expected.”

[via the grindhaus]


Create Your Own Zombie Kit

Written by Valentina on . Posted in toys


Create Your Own Zombie Customizable Action Figure Kit

“It’s time to create your own 1:9 scale zombie! Researchers at ZERO (Zombie Emergency Response Operations) have categorized zombies into 7 different classes, depending on their state of decay and relative danger. This cool kit allows the collector/hobbyist to create one or several interchangeable classes of fully poseable zombie, combining classic model kit building with the new hobby of action figure customization.”