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From the feet to the brain, the new work series created by Jan Fabre for the Kunsthaus Bregenz in 2008 will be on show in Venice from the 6th of june to the 20th of September during the Art Biennale. The installation, composed by five exhibition levels with metaphoric titles borrowed from different zones of the body –The Feet,The Sex,The Belly,The Heart, and The Brain – will be presented anew in the halls of the Arsenale Novissimo. ( view press release)
the future merciful heart for men and women.
glass, bIC pen blue, human bones
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Chen Fei‘s paintings, fatty creatures on the fine line between repulsiveness and attraction…
“Chen Fei’s pink-skinned, sausage-bodied characters couldn’t be rounder, pudgier or more indulgent in the likes of food, material objects and sex. Each and every one of the aritst’s works makes a point to disgust and repel the viewer, yet each is also outfitted in baby pink and glossy pearls… The figures might be “cute” in their unapologetic, full-bodied chubbiness, but they also lack any discernable means of seeing, smelling or listening to any and all elements of the outside world. They have no eyes, nose or ears of which to speak, and, consequently, only internal, selfish, bodily needs register with these creatures at all. In other words, they can only take—eating and imbibing everything within arms’ reach, without even discerning exactly what their inevitable intake is…” (read the full review here)
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