Animated Gifs by Saul Chernik
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Yumiko Utsu‘s works…
“Combining the intricate techniques of food photography with the anthropomorphic tendencies of manga, Utsu has an affinity for kitsch. But instead of taking a strictly documentary approach to the Japanese relationship with food and the natural world, she uses fruit, vegetables, and seafood to construct surreal fantasies populated by kittens with octopus eyes, pineapples full of owls, and phallic carrots.”
[via we-make-money-not-art]
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“Second Hand” is a project by Karen Ryan:
“I damage second hand old plates. I remove the decorative patterns that camouflage our everyday lies and in its place I leave words that prick our conscience and create portraits of hidden domestics left open for others to interpret.”
[via wewastetime]