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Jimmy Owenns, an artist without sexual identity… and with ‘a thing for deers and blood I suppose’
Shirokuro (installation, 2007)
Shirokuro (model, 2007)
Wokmedia’s work is primarily concerned with the emotional dimension, an archetypal memory or a physical sensation.
The art of Sandy Skoglund.
Skoglund creates surrealist images by building elaborate sets or tableaux, furnishing them with carefully selected colored furniture and other objects, a process of which takes her months to complete. Finally, she photographs the set, complete with actors. The works are characterized by an overwhelming amount of one object and either bright, contrasting colors or a monochromatic color scheme.
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The installations of Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger.
Bone tree:
this tree of life rises from the most comfortable double bed of Rotterdam and grows high up to the future bishops of China.
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