Memento Mori with Selfie Stick

This project by Pablo Garcia uses anamorphosis to add visual symbols to selfie-stick photography…
Arthur Tress

Arthur Tress asked children to describe their nightmares. He then immortalized them into photographs.
“Daymares is a series of photographs that attempts to interpret the dreams and fantasies of young children through the medium of documentary photo-
graphy. […] The purpose of these dream photographs is to show how the child’s creative imagination is constantly transforming his existence into magical symbols for unexpressed states of feeling or being. In fact, we are all always interchanging
or translating our daily perceptions of reality into the enchanted sphere of the
dream world.” More from the artist’s statement here.
(via HuffPost Arts & Culture)
Kavan The Kid
Danil Golovkin shows a different side of glamour
Skellie, the coolest skeleton of instagram

Meet Skellie the skeleton on her omgliterallydead instagram account, one of the most hilarious ever!
(via lustik)
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