Klaus Pichler’s Skeletons in the closet

Written by Valentina on . Posted in photography


Klaus Pichler takes photographs of taxidermied animals in random settings.

“It all started when I happened to catch a glimpse through a basement window of the museum of natural history one night: an office with a desk, a computer, shelves and a stuffed antelope. This experience left me wondering: what does a museum look like behind the scenes? How are exhibits stored when they are not on display?”

[via socks studio]

Mike Burdon

Written by Valentina on . Posted in photography


Amazing aerial photography by Mike Burdon:

“I have always been a keen observer of the world around me and the detail which it provides. I have found photography to be my window for expression, to allow me to convey thoughts and ideas through images. Having skydiving as part of my life has taught me important photographic knowledge, and allows me to have an unusual amount of creative freedom while shooting.”