Florentijn Hofman’s Fat Monkey

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, installation, sculpture


“The Fat Monkey is a site specific work which was created out of the question from the Pixelshow to make a sculpture during their conference in 2010. Made with the help of local students and made from the brazilian icon; the flip flop which obviously works as one of the 10.000 pixels. The fat monkey is a work in the series Obeastitas.”

Project by Florentijn Hofman.

Erwin Wurm’s Gulp

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, sculpture


Erwin Wurm‘s new exhibition: Gulp. On view at Lehmann Maupin‘s gallery in News York:

“In gulp Wurm introduces the theme of the social envelope – clothing, food, furniture, cars, houses – in order to annotate the fragility of both the individual and collective identity behind it. Wurm uses these items as personifications of a social context through which individuals attempt to express themselves all the while being formed and deformed by it. In works such as Telekinetischer Masturbator, a sculpture of a man without arms, wearing a real shirt, and Me Under LSD, a single extended hand supporting a large cloud-like structure, Wurm translates psychological and mental realities into physical realities. The layers in which Wurm surrounds the body, both metaphorically and literally, the extensive fattening-up or thinning-down of people and things, are, like his softened architecture, sculptural metaphors for an existential insecurity about the boundaries of oneself.”

[via bldgwlf]

Jason Freeny’s Teddy Bear Fetus

Written by Valentina on . Posted in sculpture, toys


Jason Freeny is working on an upcoming exhibition named “Love Moment” and this is one of the pieces he will show. A Teddy Bear Fetus:

“I thought to myself, what describes “love movement” more then “makin’ babies”? well nothing. So for this piece that i will be titling “Egg & Incubator” im going to fashion our little bear friend into a bear shaped egg, then im going to sculpt a small fetal bear baby inside our robot incubator. The bear brings life and the robot provides. Kinda like life you think?”

[via freeny’s blog]