Pink Rocinante

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, sculpture

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Michael Joo’s work investigates the concepts of identity and knowledge in a hybrid contemporary world. He creates narratives that explore places, people and objects through reinterpreting perception: why do we perceive as we perceive – science and religion, nature versus human intervention, fact versus fiction, high and low culture, sex, and death.

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michael joo

Ceci n’est pas

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, sculpture

ceci n'est pas

Philippe Mayaux is a French artist born in 1961 in Roubaix. He lives and works in Montreuil. He has been active since the early 1990s. His works are rather gaudy and often contains erotic or sexual content. He was awarded the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2006, awarded “for the originality and the joyous and ambiguous multiple meanings of his work”.

[via file-magazine]




Les Deux Garçons

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, sculpture, toys

les deus garçons

Both Michel Vanderheijden van Tinteren and Roel Moonen graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts in Maastricht in plastic design. That is also where they met. The duo, who live in Landgraaf, have worked together since 2000 by the name of Atelier Les Deux Garçons.

Les Deux Garçons’ field of activity is quite wide. Always striving for perfection in the choice of material and finishing, they make collages, paintings, bronze statues, free-style assemblages and, very prominent, sculptures of taxidermy (stuffed animals).

[via taxidermy-in-art]

