Chimera: creepy Christmas decoration

Conceptual artist Peter Eudenbach sculpted 100 of these pieces called “Chimera,” a sort of traditional Christmas ornament-with-legs. The item will be available on Artware from mid-november 2010.
[via cool hunting]
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Scary Shadow Shower Curtain

Bloody Good Stuff From Our Shop: the Scary Shadow Shower Curtain!
This opaque white curtain will make your guests think that someone (or something) is going to leap out and grab them! Great for Halloween!
DIY taxidermy by Mollie Greene

DesignSponge blog is hosting a step-by step tutorial by Mollie Greene on newspaper taxidermy… funny! Try this at home!
Costumize me!
Luke Chueh: bloody news!

Kid Robot presents Luke Chueh‘s 8 inch “Blood & Fuzz Dunny“…
Black in White (And Red All Over) is the Munky King exclusive colorway of Luke Chueh‘s latest toy, Black in White.
Official available October 2nd, 2010 and limited to 250.
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