Dr. Goodfellow

London retailer Hostem, proprietor James Brown, and renowned eye-wear brand Oliver Peoples join forces with Dr.Romanelli to help mastermind a collectibles edition entitled, “Dr. Goodfellow”. Limited to 10 pieces in this edition, the series features highly detailed designs, including a custom jewelery-quality monocle with chain created by Oliver Peoples.
Dissected Lego Frog
Pumpkin Drop

Pumpkins weekend edition!
“The question isn’t, why would you drop a 1200 lb. pumpkin on an old Pontiac. The question is, why wouldn’t you? “
[via devour]
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Halloween Budcat

Pumpkins weekend edition!
Jamungo will be releasing the Halloween BUDCAT designed by Scott Wilkowski on Sunday October 31st 2010 (Halloween Day) at 12 Noon CST.
[via plasticandplush]
Sang Won Sung

Sang Won Sung is a Korean artist living in Brazil. He uses recycled parts of plastic to creat new creatures…
[via wewastetime]
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