David Lyle

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, painting

David Lyle

David Lyle acts as both curator and painter, sifting through a vast array of lost snapshots from the 1950s 60s, and 70s found at thrift stores, garages sales, e-bay auctions and flea markets. His oil on panel painting mimic their found photo authenticity and achieving a sense of nostalgia and memory.

David Lyle‘s paintings.

(via Fecal Face)

Do it right. Clean Suicide helmet

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, design, stuff


Clean Suicide helmet by Sebastian Errazuriz:

DO IT RIGHT or Clean Suicide uses the helmets structural properties designed to contain the brain in case of a huge blow. In this case he inverted the concept; the helmet has a perforated side and a real gun permanently attached so that the suicidal person can put the helmet on, close the visor and shoot his brains out. Thanks to the “clean suicide” helmet, none of the friends or family have to clean the bits and pieces of brain from the walls afterwards. His peculiar sense of humor and reality is a weird mix that people have learned to appreciate and celebrate.”

[via inspiremenow]

In Case Vase

Written by Valentina on . Posted in ceramic, design


In Case Vase, designed by Sara Ebert:

“The perforated ornamentation on the In Case Vase provides a secondary and potentially life-saving purpose. Were an intruder to attack, the vase can be smashed and turned against the aggressor. The pattern creates optimal shards to aid in your protection.”

[via likecool]