Runit Judelman

Runit Judelman’s “preoccupation with transparent material reflects the paradoxical nature of a society, which purports ‘to show and tell’ while operating on the psycho-analytical principle of ‘things ain’t what they seem’.”
Runit Judelman’s “preoccupation with transparent material reflects the paradoxical nature of a society, which purports ‘to show and tell’ while operating on the psycho-analytical principle of ‘things ain’t what they seem’.”
Doubleparlour is an art duo (Ernie and Cassandra Velasco) producing resin sculptures with an emphasis on peculiar, humorous, melancholy and delightful characters…
Cthulhu Christmas Tree Topper:
“If you wish to inspire dreams of non-Euclidean madness into all of your holiday guests, then take home this ageless, indestructible creature from Beyond the Stars. The Great Cthulhu yule tree topper. Sure, he’ll destroy all mankind, but in the mean time you’ll get a whole house-full of fanatical cult of believers ready to do your bidding during the holiday season. By the time they clue into what’s going on, they will already be tormented by visions of this Ancient One.”
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Clothing brand Johnny Cupcakes has just released Johnny Cupcakes Vinyl Toys. They’re funny!
[via Laughing Squid]