Zombie princess MacBook stickers
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Apocalypse Tomorrow 2012 Calendar: visions of the last day… month by month.
Actually pretty hilarious, by Andrew Tarusov.
(via In web we trust)
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Shitter is a service by Collector’s Edition that creates four rolls of toilet paper out of a chosen Twitter feed.
[via laughingsquid]
Bizarre finger tentacles by Thinkgeek:
“These Finger Tentacles are pink and rubbery and look fantastic. There are a few natural variations in how the tentacles curl, but with a full set of these on you’ll be the creepiest Freddy Kruger impersonator in the office. Now, some folks would say, ‘Why would anyone need finger tentacles?’ but those folks are lame. EVERYONE needs Finger Tentacles because they make every aspect of life fun.”
“In many office environments, things tend to go missing. This happens a lot, unfortunately, in an office refrigerator. The easiest method of making sure your junk stays safe and untouched is to keep an eye on it. And, for those times where it’s physically impossible to always watch it yourself, we’ve found this Eyeball Lunch Bag to keep an eye on your lunch at all times. Get it?”