Mister Boom and Miss Dynamite Lamp

Mister Boom and Little Miss Dynamite are two lighting solutions created by the German design label Docstone.
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Mister Boom and Little Miss Dynamite are two lighting solutions created by the German design label Docstone.
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A dramatic, pendant lampshade, shaped into a classic image of guilt and morality. From a distance, The Fall of the Damned appears to be an organic and intricately textured ornament. Upon closer inspection it is revealed as a mass of naked bodies, reminiscent of Dante and Rubens, fused together in agonizing beauty.
The Fall of the Damned pendant lampshade, by designer Luc Merx, is available for sale at Generate Design.
This intricate lamp in black has a swarm of HR Giger’s Zenomorphs from the Alien franchise climbing upwards from a base of hand sculpted eggs and facehuggers.
Alien Nation, as well as other lamps, is available on commision at Evil Robot Design.
(via Ian Brooks)
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The hand granade oil lamps are made from actual US Army surplus grenades and gilded in gold, silver, or left natural. Each gets its distincts shape from the job it was designed for – fragmentation (pineapple), smoke/flash bombs (lemon), or high impact explosive (ball). This ice breaker will shatter even the thickest weirdest ice.
By Piet Houtenbos, get them here.
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