Photo of the day: Minced Wool Sausages
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Orlando Estrada‘s photography:
“With my work, I am disclosing my invented mythology. I am documenting my exploration of the role of religious belief systems in modern society and questioning the established sacredness of canonized iconography. Superstition, supernature, common phenomenon, mass-production, technology, and pop-culture are made sacrosanct, further pursuing the idea of holiness and the concept of permanence. The narratives unfold as a tongue-in-cheek critique of transient American culture. While duplicitously romanticizing the new human condition, the work evokes a longing for cosmic knowledge and ultimate truth. ”
[via beautiful decay]
Yumiko Utsu‘s works…
“Combining the intricate techniques of food photography with the anthropomorphic tendencies of manga, Utsu has an affinity for kitsch. But instead of taking a strictly documentary approach to the Japanese relationship with food and the natural world, she uses fruit, vegetables, and seafood to construct surreal fantasies populated by kittens with octopus eyes, pineapples full of owls, and phallic carrots.”
[via we-make-money-not-art]
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