Wall Tentacles by ArtAkimbo

ArtAkimbo‘s Etsy Shop is full of surreal objects. My favourite one is the Wall Tentacle, I definitely wanna buy one for my living room!
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ArtAkimbo‘s Etsy Shop is full of surreal objects. My favourite one is the Wall Tentacle, I definitely wanna buy one for my living room!
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London retailer Hostem, proprietor James Brown, and renowned eye-wear brand Oliver Peoples join forces with Dr.Romanelli to help mastermind a collectibles edition entitled, “Dr. Goodfellow”. Limited to 10 pieces in this edition, the series features highly detailed designs, including a custom jewelery-quality monocle with chain created by Oliver Peoples.
Jessica Fortner creates unique one of a kind hand-sculpted illustrations. Her sense of visual and conceptual problem-solving creates a one of a kind aesthetic, sense of humor and approach to storytelling.
Now Isn’t That Lovely is a series of works by London based designer Stephen Johnson: “Through ornamentation and kitsch he considers design as fulfilling emotional needs like humour and nostalgia.”